Project summaryProceeding from investigation into the processing of materials widely utilized in the Stone Age of the Eastern Baltic region bone/antler, flaked stone, amber and ceramics we will assess ancient artefact production technologies within a much-needed wider perspective, embracing: 1) intersections between different technologies, 2) the context of landscape and resource exploitation, and 3) the social milieu in which technologies were practiced.We will conduct museum artefact studies on major Stone Age assemblages from the environs of Lake Burtnieks in N Latvia, Lake Lielais Ludzas in E Latvia and coastal W Latvia (including the internationally famous sites of Zvejnieki, Riņņukalns and Sārnate), involving macro- and microscopic examination, 2D/3D image processing, archaeological experiments and a suite of analytical methods (elemental/phase analysis of materials; zooarchaeology by mass spectrometry; ceramic petrography; morphological analysis of sand grains in ceramics; radiocarbon dating). Crucially important for achieving a broader view of ancient technologies will be regular joint seminars, permitting our experts studying the technologies of specific materials to share methodology, results and interpretations, and prepare joint articles, thus fostering very close and purposeful collaboration to establish a cross-material platform for technology studies and simultaneously forging a strong research team for further projects.
Essential data
Research teamPrincipal investigator:Valdis Bērziņš, Senior Researcher Lead participants: Ilga Zagorska, Senior Researcher Participants: Tomas Rimkus, Senior Expert Student participants: Agnese Čakare, Senior Specialist Vanda Haferberga, Research Assistant Mārcis Kalniņš, Researcher Aija Macāne, Research Assistant Artis Kons, Researcher Publications and other outputsScientific articlesBērziņš, V. 2023. A closer look at wound cord: technical analysis of Neolithic pottery decoration from Latvia. Documenta Praehistorica 50. Čakare, A. 2023. Eksperimentālā pieeja neolīta dzintaru apstrādes procesu izzināšanā: Siliņupes apmetnes piemērs. Jauno vēsturnieku zinātniskie lasījumi VIII. Starpdisciplināri pētījumi Latvijas vēsturē / The Scholarly Readings of Young Historians VIII. [Rīga]: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 45.-54. lpp. Lõugas, L., Bērziņš, V. 2023. Natural History and Exploitation of the Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena Linnaeus, 1758) during the Neolithic (ca. 40002000 cal. BC) in the Eastern Baltic. Animals 2023: 13(5), 909 Abstracts Haferberga, V., Bērziņš, V. 2024. More than just food: use and identification of bivalve shells as tempering material in Neolithic pottery from Latvia. Abstract Book. 30th EAA Annual Meeting. Rome, Italy. 28th-31st August 2024, p. 1753. Macāne, A., Zagorska, I. 2024. Production and use of animal tooth pendants in the Stone Age settlement of Zvejnieki II, northern Latvia. Abstract Book. 30th EAA Annual Meeting. Rome, Italy. 28th-31st August 2024, p.1787. Čakare, A. 2024. Unfinished, broken and discarded: an analysis of the Neolithic amber processing techniques in the eastern Baltic (Latvia). Abstract Book. 30th EAA Annual Meeting. Rome, Italy. 28th-31st August 2024, p.1787 Haferberga, V., Bērziņš, V. 2024. Between the sea and the lakes: Neolithic pottery production in present-day Latvia. Belgrade Conference on Archaeological Pottery. BECAP 24. Pots and Society: Relationships, Identities and Prestige/Status. Belgrade, May 16-17th, 2024. Book of Abstracts. Ed. by Jasna Vuković and Vesna Bikić. Belgrade: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade, p. 24-25. Bērziņš, V. 2024. Aptītās auklas ornaments uz neolīta keramikas tehnika un konteksts. Latvijas Universitātes 82. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences sekcija. Prasmes, vide, sabiedrība: tehnika tradicionālās kopienās. Sekcijas programma un tēzes. Sast. V.Bērziņš, V.Haferberga, A. Karlsone. Rīga: LU Latvijas vēstures institūts, 9. lpp. Čakare, A. 2023. An experimental approach to the study of amber processing in the Neolithic. In: 29th EAA Annual Meeting. Queen's University Belfast. Belfast, Northern Ireland, 30 August - 2 September 2023. Abstract Book, p. 1131-1132. Čakare, A. 2023. Under a microscope: analysis of East Baltic Neolithic amber pendants from the Siliņupe site (Latvia), 4th millennium BC. In: XX UISPP World Congress. West University of Timișoara. Timișoara, Romania, September 5-9, 2023. Abstract Book, p. 373. Čakare, A. 2023. Flaking, shaving and scraping: an experimental approach to the study of amber processing on the coastal Neolithic Siliņupe site. In: Technologies of the Stone Age: The Coastal Dimension. PrehCOAST network workshop. Riga, Latvia, 68 June 2023. Institute of Latvian History, University of Latvia. Programme and Abstracts. Riga: Institute of Latvian History, University of Latvia, p. 18. Čakare, A. 2024. Dzintara virsmas apstrādes tehnikas un to pielietojums Latvijas teritorijā akmens laikmetā. Latvijas Universitātes 82. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences sekcija. Prasmes, vide, sabiedrība: tehnika tradicionālās kopienās. Sekcijas programma un tēzes. Sast. V.Bērziņš, V.Haferberga, A. Karlsone. Rīga: LU Latvijas vēstures institūts, 5. lpp. Haferberga, V. 2024. Piekraste un iekšzeme: neolīta keramikas izgatavošanas tehnoloģiskie aspekti. Latvijas Universitātes 82. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences sekcija. Prasmes, vide, sabiedrība: tehnika tradicionālās kopienās. Sekcijas programma un tēzes. Sast. V.Bērziņš, V.Haferberga, A. Karlsone. Rīga: LU Latvijas vēstures institūts, 9. lpp. Kalniņš, M. 2023. Flint and the sea: local flint raw materials on the Stone Age coastal sites in Latvia. In: Technologies of the Stone Age: The Coastal Dimension. PrehCOAST network workshop. Riga, Latvia, 68 June 2023. Institute of Latvian History, University of Latvia. Programme and Abstracts. Riga: Institute of Latvian History, University of Latvia, p. 16. Kalniņš, M. 2024. Krama apstrādes tehnoloģijas un izejmateriāli mūsdienu Latvijas teritorijā cauri gadu tūkstošiem. Latvijas Universitātes 82. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences sekcija. Prasmes, vide, sabiedrība: tehnika tradicionālās kopienās. Sekcijas programma un tēzes. Sast. V.Bērziņš, V.Haferberga, A. Karlsone. Rīga: LU Latvijas vēstures institūts, 8. lpp. Macāne, A. 2024. Dzīvnieku zobu piekariņu izgatavošana un izmantošana akmens laikmetā. Latvijas Universitātes 82. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences sekcija. Prasmes, vide, sabiedrība: tehnika tradicionālās kopienās. Sekcijas programma un tēzes. Sast. V.Bērziņš, V.Haferberga, A. Karlsone. Rīga: LU Latvijas vēstures institūts, 5.-6. lpp. Macāne, A., Nordqvist, K. 2023. Amber, waterways and inter-regional contacts in the eastern Baltic Sea area in the 4th3rd millennium BC. In: Technologies of the Stone Age: The Coastal Dimension. PrehCOAST network workshop. Institute of Latvian History, University of Latvia. Riga, Latvia, 68 June 2023. Programme and Abstracts. Riga: Institute of Latvian History, University of Latvia, p. 11. Macāne, A., Rimkus, T., Kalniņš, M., & Zagorska, I. 2023. Synergy of Stone Age technologies: new research on slotted bone points from Latvia. Abstract Book. Kiel Conference. Scales of Social, Environmental & Cultural Change in Past Societies. Kiel University, March 1318, 2023. [Kiel]: [Kiel University]. Rimkus, T., Iršėnas, M., Butrimas, A., Mannermaa, K., Zagorska, I. Introducing elks: Final Palaeolithic and the earliest Mesolithic Eurasian elks and their significance in the Eastern Baltic hunter-gatherer societies. In: 29th EAA Annual Meeting. Queen's University Belfast. Belfast, Northern Ireland, 30 August - 2 September 2023. Abstract Book, p. 872. Visocka, V., Bērziņš, V., Kons, A. 2023. Technological aspects and provenance of Middle and Late Neolithic coastal pottery: a case study of Siliņupe and Slocene settlements. In: EAA 2023 Belfast. Weaving Narratives. Abstract Book. 29th EAA Annual Meeting. 30th August - 2nd September, p. 898. ISBN: 978-80-88441-05-2. Visocka, V., Bērziņš, V. 2023. Use and re-use: human interaction with pottery production materials in a coastal area of present-day Latvia. A case study of Siliņupe and Slocene settlements. In: Technologies of the Stone Age: The Coastal Dimension. PrehCOAST network workshop. Institute of Latvian History, University of Latvia. Programme and Abstracts. Riga, Latvia, 68 June 2023. Riga: Institute of Latvian History, University of Latvia, p. 19. Visocka, V., Bērziņš, V., Kons, A. Insights on Neolithic pottery technology and provenance from petrographic and WD-XRF studies: a case study of Siliņupe and Slocene settlements. Ceramic Petrology Group Annual Meeting (11.11.2022, online) Zagorska, I., Macāne, A., Kalniņš, M. 2024. Par kādu unikālu akmens laikmeta medību rīku. Latvijas Universitātes 82. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences sekcija. Prasmes, vide, sabiedrība: tehnika tradicionālās kopienās. Sekcijas programma un tēzes. Sast. V.Bērziņš, V.Haferberga, A. Karlsone. Rīga: LU Latvijas vēstures institūts, 6. lpp. Master's thesis defended on project theme Čakare, A. 2022. Experimental Approach in the Study of Neolithic Amber-Working Processes. University of Latvia. Faculty of History and Philosophy. Databases and datasets Bērziņš, V. Data on wound cord impressions in Neolithic pottery from Latvia. Zenodo Videos Bērziņš, V. Gliemeņu čaulas senajā keramikā - Mussel shells in ancient pottery. Youtube. |