Dept. of Medieval and Early Modern History
Dept. of 20th Century Research
Dept. of Archaeology
Repository of Archaeological Material
Dept. of Ethnology
Repository of Ethnographic Material
Dept. of Bioarhaeology
Repository of Bioarchaeological Material
Dendrochronological Lab.



International Summer School for Young Scientists "Latvia-Ukraine:Crossroads of History and Culture"  
The Institute of Latvian History is inviting to participate in the International Summer School for Young Scientists "Latvia-Ukraine: Crossroads of History and Culture", which will take place on August 1–5, 2022 in Riga. The aim of the summer school is to identify common trends in the development of Latvian and Ukrainian history and culture. The school is supported by the State Cultural Capital Fund. Lectures, practical classes, and field seminars will be organized within the school.
    In total activities in four thematic blocks are planned:
1) Theoretical issues of research of cultural-historical processes: subject of research, methodological approaches, methods.  
2) The process of formation of the cultural-historical environment in the Latvia and Ukraine and its specifics.
3) Problems of identification and preservation of cultural heritage in Latvia and Ukraine.
4) Research and achievements of young scientists from Latvia and Ukraine.
    Opportunities to participate:
1) with a lecture (40 min) (PhD degree) – the topic must be submitted by 04.07.
2) with a practical lesson (40 min) (PhD degree) – until 04.07. the topic of the lesson with a short description must be submitted.
3) with a report (15 min) (doctoral students and applicants for a scientific degree) – the topic must be submitted by 04.07.
4) free listeners will be able to apply until 22.07.
You can apply for participation in the school by writing to:


Reorganisation of the Institute of Latvian History

In accordance with decision no. 235 of the Senate of the University of Latvia "On reorganisation of the Agency of the University of Latvia "Institute of Latvian History"", passed on 26.10.2015, as of 1 January 2016 the Agency of the University of Latvia "Institute of Latvian History at the University of Latvia" has been reorganised as a structural division of the University of Latvia "Institute of Latvian History, University of Latvia".

* * *

On 14-17 May of this year the Institute of Latvian History at the University of Latvia, in collaboration with the University of Latvia, will be holding the Third Baltic Bioarchaeology Meeting. Papers on DNA studies, migrations, diet, health and the quality of life of the ancient inhabitants of the Baltic Sea region will be given by 60 scholars from Latvia, Finland, Germany, Lithuania, Estonia, the United Kingdom, the USA, Denmark, Iceland, Sweden and Belarus. The conference will be held at the University of Latvia, 19 Raiņa bulvāris, Auditorium 153.
Conference programme

Electronic publication:
Pētījumi par nemateriālo kultūras mantojumu (Bulgārija - Latvija) / Studies of Intangible Cultural Heritage (Bulgaria - Latvia).
[Rīga:] LU Latvijas vēstures institūts, 2013 - 179 lpp. (available at:

Kalpaka bulvāris 4,
Rīga LV-1050, LATVIA
Tel: +371 67034868
Fax: +371 67034510



The Institute of Latvian History was founded by a Law of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia passed on 14 January 1936. The Institute has continued to function under various names from that time right up to the present day. In accordance with Instruction of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 176 and Decision No. 174 of the Senate of the University of Latvia, on 1 April 2006 the Institute became the Agency of the University of Latvia "Institute of Latvian History at the University of Latvia".

Major research fields include: the prehistory of Latvia; ethnic and cultural history of the inhabitants of Latvia in prehistory and medieval times; ethnic history of the Baltic States; 20th century history of Latvia; traditional lifeways and customs of the inhabitants of Latvia; culture-historical studies on Riga; bioarchaeology; palaeodemography; dendrochronology. On 1 January 2006, the Institute had a staff of 56, including four habilitated doctors and 26 doctors.

   © 2016  Institute of Latvian History        Authors of the web site        Web site last updated: 16.06.2022